Monthly Archives: February 2020

So pleased to accept a Sunshine Blogger Award – Nominated by Jessie Cahalin



The Sunshine Blogger Award allows bloggers to highlight and celebrate their fellow bloggers’ creativity and positivity within the blogging community.

I am thrilled to have been nominated, along with ten other bloggers, by Jessie Cahalin of the fabulous Books in my Handbag blog. Jessie was herself previously nominated. Congratulations!  I love Jessie’s gem of a blog with all its entertaining and engaging features and  value her friendship and support.

Below are the 11 questions set by Jessie for her nominees, with my answers :

Which three photographs would you present to capture your life?  Feel free to include these in this post if you can.

I believe laughter is one of the best tonics in life.  When was the last time you could not stop laughing?

At home last week when Briggy almost did the splits springing off the sofa with cramp in his  lower leg. 

Explain the last act of kindness you showed to a friend or stranger.

Listening to a lady in the hairdressers whose older sister had recently passed away. She just wanted to talk about her.

Do you prefer the winter sun or the summer sun?  Explain your response.

Ooh, that’s a close one, as I do love crisp blue-skied sunny winter days, however, being on holiday in Spain and sitting outside on a terrace, people-watching, on a warm summer’s evening with a long, cool drink in my hand, gets my vote. 

Describe your perfect Saturday evening.

Cozied up on the sofa watching TV with Briggy,  a Chinese takeaway, a bottle of wine and some choccies on the side for afters.

What sorts of characters do you prefer to meet in novels?

Multi-layered ones – open-minded,  fun to be with, resilient and self confident, but able to laugh at themselves and not be afraid to show their emotions. Big-hearted and kind. I don’t want much, do I?  😀

Give one sentence of advice to yourself when you were sixteen.

Know your worth.

Is there a friend from the past you would love to get in touch with and why?

Not really. I think I’m still in touch with most of them in some way or other.

What is your food heaven and food hell?

Food heaven is one of Briggy’s fabulous Sunday roast dinners with extra crispy roast potatoes and all the trimmings. Food hell would be anything garlicky.

Share your favourite recipe.

I wish I could say I enjoyed cooking but truth is I’m not really that adventurous or experimental. I do bake a mean Victoria sponge though. Briggy would also sing the praises of my cauliflower cheese (extra thick sauce with added chopped leeks).

The cake recipe I follow is hereBBC GOOD FOOD

If you could travel back in time where would you visit and who would you take with you?

Being a huge fan of the film Grease, I’d love to experience being a teenager in the 1950’s, like my parents. The music, the fashions, the lack of cars on the roads, the sense of hope and new beginnings after the second world war. A new Queen.  Obviously it wasn’t all sweetness and light – what era is? – but it did seem a safer, more innocent time to be alive. Obviously I’d take Briggy with me. I could teach him to jive!


I nominate these lovely people for a Sunshine Blogger Award 🙂



Christine Stovell

Sharon Goodwin

Elle Turner

Rose McClelland

Sue Fortin

Kathryn Freeman

Morton S Gray

Nicola Cassidy

Heather Smith

Samantha Tonge

Sharon Booth

Big cheers for you all.  I love your blogs and you fully deserve  recognition for your  supportive, engaging, inspiring, creative and motivational posts. Please don’t feel obliged to respond, but if you do choose to accept the Sunshine Blogger Award nomination, there are a few little rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your blog post.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers & their blogs. Do leave a comment on their blog to let them know they received the award and ask your nominees 11 new questions.


Here are the 11 new questions for my nominees:


What are the best and worst gifts you’ve ever received?

Who is the celebrity you’d most like to share a 100 mile taxi ride with and why?

If you could interview any author past or present, who would it be and why?

What’s the most nerve-racking thing you’ve ever done in your life?

What’s your idea of the perfect holiday?

What do you find best helps you to relax, de-stress and re-focus? 

Which song triggers happy memories for you and why?

Who is the fictional hero you’d most like to spring to life before your eyes?

Which city in the world would you most like to visit?

What’s your favourite food treat/indulgence (however big or small) ?

Which three words best describe you?


Until next time,

With much love,


Jan X